Monday, May 14, 2018

[Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege] Fuze Basics, Playstyle, Tips & Tricks

An actually serious guide on Fuze. This guide will teach you the Basics, Playstyle and give you Tips and Tricks on the Spetsnaz operator, Fuze.


Fuze is an operator who can swing the odds in your favor in a matter of seconds. The physical amount of damage one can inflict on the enemy team is undeniable and makes Fuze one of the most dangerous operators to go up against.

This guide will go through the basics, weapons and tactics of Fuze, I will also be providing general tips and tricks that you can apply in your game. This guide is suited for players who are completely new to Fuze or players who wish to expand their knowledge of the class. If you are completely new to the game some of the things I will talk about may confuse you, but you'll get the general gist of it quickly.

Fuze's Weapons

Fuze, compared to other operators, has a huge arsenal of weapons making him very diverse in how he can be played. He has access to the AK-12 Assault Rifle, the 6P81 LMG, and the Ballistic Shield. For secondaries, he has the PMM and the GSH-18.


AK-12 Fuze Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
A very powerful and fast firing assault rifle that has a steep learning curve. It has an extremely high rate of fire that will make most SMG's blush and inflicts a relatively high amount of damage.

It's biggest weakness, however, is its recoil which shoots upwards and in one direction. If used in the right hands, however, it can inflict severe damage.
AK-12 recoil fuze Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege


Personally, I recommend you begin with a 1x scope and get used to the recoil before moving onto the ACOG.
In term's of barrel attachments if you're going to go for burst shots I recommend a Muzzle Brake, as the initial jump is quite steep. However, for full auto fire, a compensator is the way to go.

Personally, I don't recommend a Flash Hider, I think the Muzzle Brake does a better job of allowing you to control your bursts as again, the initial jump is very steep.


Generally, you should try and engage in close to medium ranged engagements. The damage drop-off (44 to 22) is harsh and the difficult to control recoil means that any long ranged encounters will always heavily favor the defender.
The tactic I recommend in my last guide of aiming just below the head and letting the recoil creep up will not work for the AK-12, as the horizontal recoil is too great which makes your shots unpredictable.


6P81 fuze weapon stats  Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
A decent support option that is only trumped due to better options. The weapon in its self is... ok, compared to the AK-12, it's damage drop-off makes longer ranged engagements more enticing (46 to 31) it also features bunch of ammo (100). While it does as a result have low rate of fire (680RPM) it does in turn make it very easy to control and therefore a great suppression weapon.
6P81 Recoil fuze Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege


You're not going to be engaging in many 1 on 1's so the extra zoom with the ACOG really isn't needed. A 1x will do fine for most situations. If you do want to improve your chances at 1v1's stick on the Flash Hider which will improve your burst potential.


Don't engage in 1 Vs 1's, your low rate of fire will put you at a huge disadvantage. Use your ammo as your strength, prefire your opponents, suppress corners and stick with your team mates.


THE SHIELD fuze stats Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

This is what you will be going for if you want to be the support person of your team, while also aiding you in plopping down your cluster charge.

Your main disadvantage with the shield is the fact that when standing a large portion of your legs will be exposed. To negate this crouch when moving in, while parts of your arm will still be slightly shown, you will still be a much smaller and difficult target. Use the shield to get to positions you otherwise wouldn't be able to reach with the other 2 weapons. This can also go great with smokes. to cover of corners and doorways.

Gadgets (Smoke and Breach Charge)

Two weapons which both generally boggle down to allowing you to do one thing, move forward more quickly. The question is, do you wish to take shortcuts but take the risk, or stay safe but move forward more slowly?

Smoke Grenade

An interesting choice. These will take quite a bit of getting used to, they are great for sealing doorways and 'blinding' enemies. With Fuze, use the smokes to get into a good position for cluster shots. It's usually recommended that you have at least one teammate watching your back as the enemy may get cocky and decide to push through the smoke.

So to quickly summarize:
  1. Block doorways
  2. Block enemy vision
  3. Punish those who push through
This is the quieter more support orientated option. While on some maps it may not be as useful if they are used correctly you can get some seriously great cluster drops on the enemy positions.

Breach Charges

The more popular choice I'm going to presume. This is the faster and more aggressive way of doing it. Unlike the Smokes where you block of the enemy, with the Breaches you go around your enemy.
Breach Charges fuze

So to summarize:
  1. Don't dive headfirst into the enemy (unless you are aggressing as a team)
  2. Use them for mobility not to push enemies out of positions.

Special Gadget (Cluster Charge)

Ahh the Cluster Charge, a perfect example of a gadget that is completely useless in the wrong hands and can actually damage your team if used incorrectly (I don't even think I need a GIF for this).
Special Gadget (Cluster Charge) fuze

The Cluster Charge is a gadget which deploys 5 sub-grenades on detonation which fly from left to right and then detonate in the order they were deployed in. The sub-grenades are bouncy and when deployed the gadget emits a distinguishable sound which is to generally tell the attackers to get the out of there. Clusters can be placed on, barricades, bare walls (not reinforced, or zappified by Bandit) and bare hatches.


Here is the number 1 rule for Cluster Charges.

If you are going for kills always scout the area for enemies first. Simply putting down a cluster charge above the bomb isn't going to do the trick. Send out a drone first to check where the enemies are and then put it down.

Assume that if you did hit an enemy with your clusters by the time you placed your second one he would be gone from that position.

Clusters are also very useful for destroying a large amount of gadgets in an area. This is where it could make sense to just Fuze above sites but again, try and get info first and then target your strike properly.

Your gadget makes a signature sound when placed and when each nade is released, this is an audio cue to alert the defenders (so either detonate it quickly or wait them out), this can also be an audio cue to start firing in its direction. This is why I never recommend putting down clusters on windows near the site as they can simply shoot you through it.
where to plant Cluster Charges with fuze in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Clusters are very risky on Hostage (as you might expect), don't risk it if you don't know where the Hostage is.

The general role of the Cluster Charge is to clear positions and possibly get kills, you can completely deny certain positions if you place your Cluster well enough. If your team is especially well co ordinated you can practically cut the defenders in half with the Cluster Charge.


Fuze is an aggressive and dangerous operator with semi-support abilities if the situation demands it. He is a slow but armored operator which most of the time will work against you. Remember, your gadget is just as dangerous to your team as it is to the enemy.
As Fuze is an attack operator instead of going through the round flow (like in my previous guide) I will be discussing general play orientations (if that makes any sense)

Fuze is still a dangerous operator without his Cluster Charge, his Ak-12 is one of the best close ranged Rifles you'll come across and his pistols are quite powerful too. While I don't recommend huddling with your teammates don't be scared to engage in 1 on 1's if the time is right (and you are using the Ak-12).

The most dangerous yet rewarding style. This is the one that I have been mentioning the most throughout the guide as it can seriously damage your enemies defense. I don't recommend the 6P (LMG) with this playstyle (as mentioned before), push in general relation with your team and when the time is right, use your breaches/ smokes to get a drop on your enemy whether it is with the Cluster Charge or the AK-12

Crowd Control
The trickiest to get right. This strategy will most likely not work with an uncoordinated team as it relies on speed and timing. This works best on bomb since as previously mentioned you can cut the defenders in half and trap enemies. This strategy, however, can work solo if you are next to a hatch or doorway and you aggress yourself.
Crowd Control playstyle with fuze

Final Tips

  1. The Cluster Charge is also useful for destroying a large set of gadgets in one area
  2. Fuze is NOT viable on every map such as Bank
  3. You can place clusters on Castle'd windows (which is MUCH smarter than placing them on barricaded ones)
  4. Remember that Jager's ADS gadget can destroy your sub-grenades (though it does wear them down in terms of the amount of zapps they have left)
  5. The first sub-grenade released from the Cluster Charge will always be accurate (aka. Fire directly below)

Guide by TheNuttyGamer


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