Wednesday, May 16, 2018

[Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege] Smoke Basic Playstyle & Stats Guide

This is a Smoke guide. We will be looking at all of his stats and other stuff that makes him a sweet british man that people play. The british man from the SAS is looking quite sharp, and he is a welcome addition to the R6S team.

Smoke's Biography

Basic Info

Name: James Porter
Date of Birth: May 14th, 1981
Operation Team: SAS
Birth Location: London, UK
Weight: 154lbs (70KG)
Height: 5'8 or 1.73 metres

Psychological Profile

Porter (aka smoke) is a thrill seeker with very little regard for his own safety. He is fearless in battle and can be a great asset for defensive maneuvers. However, he seems to enjoy havoc and chaos of war. He tends to have a odd sense of humor in stressful situations. Can be narcissistic.

Purpose and Role

Smoke is probably one of the easiest operators to play, as he does one thing: entry denial. Out of every trap operator, smoke does entry denial the best. In this section, I will be going over how to use his toxic babes effectively.

Exhibit A: Anchoring

Anchoring as Smoke doesn't require any special skill apart from game sense and aim, but there is one thing you need to know. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DO NOT PLACE UR SMOKE GRENADE AT A DOORWAY AND WAIT FOR ENEMIES TO COME.

Instead, you should be throwing your smoke grenades once you have confirmed the enemies' position. The only time when you can 'preplace' your smoke grenades is when you know someone is rushing a certain doorway. Other than that, don't do it, someone will shoot it.

Also, try to only throw the toxic babes at a group of enemies, instead of a solo ash trying to get one taps.

Exhibit B: Roaming

Oh dear, roaming. What is the definition of roaming? No one can give a good answer. Smoke's roaming styles are kind of different from the other operators. Instead of rushing and spawn peeking the enemies, smoke instead hides in the dark and bamboozle the horde of enemies.

The formula for roaming with smoke is simple: 
  1. Check cameras when prep time ends
  2.  Locate enemies
  3. Find a good hiding spot near the enemies
  4. Use your ears and listen for footsteps (7.1 surround sound recommended)
  5. Try to locate enemies with your eyes
  6. Throw toxic babe
  7. Detonate
  8. Listen for coughing
  9. Peek
  10. You win (or not)

Also, try to roam near the objective, as retaking the objective as smoke is a very good idea, since he has his gas grenades, and if he throws one near the enemies, they will be forced to move, giving your team a chance to kill them.

Oh and one more thing: DO NOT ANCHOR IN HOSTAGE

Primary Guns


The M590A1 is a pump action shotgun used by all SAS members. It has the lowest raw damage for pump shotguns but mediocre pellet spread.
  • Damage per pellet: 48 (1-7m)
  • Firerate: 75 RPM
  • Mobility: 50
  • Capacity: 7
  • Full Reload Time: 4.84 seconds
  • Full Reload Time (per pellet/avg): 0.69 seconds
  • Tactical Reload Time: 4.05
  • Tactical Reload Time (per pellet/avg): 0.67 seconds

Available Attachments
  • Scopes: Reflex, Red Dot, Holographic
  • Underbarrel: Laser Sight

Recommended: Holographic Sight

If you can manage the low mag size of the SMG-11, and you are a headshot machine, this weapon is perfect for you. This weapon is usually used as a gadget for making holes and breaking hatches, instead of using it as a primary weapon. Do not use this weapon if you cannot handle the low mag size of the secondary weapons.


The FMG-9 is a smg that preforms simular to the smg 11 but with a bigger mag and a slower fire rate, not to mention more ammo. It has a very weird defualt sight for no reason, like legit look at it.
  • Damage: 30 (25 with suppressor) (0-17m)
  • Firerate: 800
  • Mobility: 50
  • Capacity: 30
  • Full Reload Time: 3 seconds
  • Tactical Reload Time: 2.2 seconds

Available Attachments
  • Sights: Red Dot, Reflex
  • Barrel: Suppressor, Flash Hider, Muzzle Brake
  • Underbarrel: Laser Sight

Recommended: Reflex, Flash Hider

If your aim is not that good and you struggle with ammo management, you should use this gun. Even if you have good aim, you can still use this gun, as it has the capability to take out more enemies at once than the shotgun or smg-11.

Secondary Guns

P226 MK 25 

Dang man, those are some pretty lit barrels in ms paint!
This pistol is basically one of the best in the game to be perfectly honest. Its got good damage and range, ok iron sights, sicc skins because that matters. Not to mention the satisfaction you get after hitting a one tap against an as- jk ash has no head hitbox.
  • Damage: 50 (42 suppressed) (0-11m)
  • Rate of Fire: 550
  • Mobility: 50
  • Mag Size: 15
  • Full Reload: 2.1 seconds
  • Tactical Reload: 1.8 seconds

Available Attachments
  • Barrel: Suppressor, Muzzle Brake
  • Underbarrel: Laser Sight

Recommended: Muzzle Brake

Considering there is a much better option than this pistol, its not entirely bad. However, Y3S2 is coming out, and that will nerf the SMG-11 hard, making its recoil extremely bad. Making it worse, the SMG-11 has the highest firerate possible in the game, making it almost impossible to land your shots. After Y3S2, you might consider using this pistol over the SMG-11.


This gun is the bread and butter of smgs. Sporting one of the fastest fire rates and a nasty recoil, and a even nastier one after operation parabellum. Smoke mains recommend this gun as it is, very good (for now).
  • Damage: 33 (28 suppressed) (0-18m)
  • Rate of Fire: 550
  • Mobility: 50
  • Mag Size: 16
  • Full Reload: 2.1 seconds
  • Tactical Reload: 1.8 seconds

Available Attachments
  • Sight: Red Dot, Holographic, Reflex
  • Barrel: Suppressor, Flash Hider, Compensator, Extended Barrel
  • Grip: Vertical Grip
  • Underbarrel: Laser Sight

Recommended: Reflex, Extended Barrel, Vertical Grip, Laser Sight

If you are around the majority of smoke players who have more than 5 brain cells, you'll probably stick to this gun and get 80% of your kills from it. Just remember to aim for the head or lower chest so you don't get dizzy and vomit mid game from the recoil.


Lets hop right into the gadgets and decide which one is G O O D. 

Impact Grenade

Use this pokeball for making holes to go through, and stick with shotgun to break hatches and making murderholes. If I find you using impacts to make murder holes, I will find out where you live and kill you in your sleep.

This can also be used to injure tagged shield operators. Try not to waste them on 100 hp big monts, absolutely useless.

Barbed Wire (or spaghetti)

As you can see, the spaghetti is not as much as a good choice as the impact grenade, looking at the results of WW2. However, the spaghetti is still extremely situational. If you find a fly in your spaghetti and it can't get out, you can gas him, and he cannot get out. A good choice for anchoring. Mom's edition recommended.

sorry there was not much information on the gadgets, because these gadgets have simple purposes.

Compound Z8 Grenade (Operator Gadget)

Every operator in the game has a special operator gadget, not the recruit man tho hes way 2 op to get one. Smoke combined his wee wee and glaz's old smoke grenades and made it into the Compound Z8 Grenade, but Smoke likes to call it his toxic babes. The toxic babe is remotely detonated, so it is not a proximity grenade. The toxic babe can stick on any surface, and the grenade itself isn't that big. However, it flashes a light, so enemies can easily spot it. The toxic babe is the perfect entry denial device, as it damages enemies in the toxic cloud at a fast rate, and it blocks their vision. Oh wait, it blocks their vision? Yeah, of course it does, it's a smoke grenade after all. New smoke players only see this masterpiece as a weapon, but it does more than just that.

Blocking Vision

The toxic babe can be used like a normal gas grenade, so you can use it to go from a room to another without getting shot. This is a good escape plan. However, glaz can still see through it easily, so do not use this strat if you know there is a Glaz on their team. Also, please do not use it for cover to revive downed teammates, it deals team damage.

Another good thing about the toxic babe is that you don't take damage from it. So one thing you could do is to make a toxic cloud and rush through it, surprising your enemies. Wonderful strategy.

Gassing People

This one is self explainatory, but we still need to teach you how to not waste your toxic babes. First of all, do not throw a toxic babe at a room with only one confirmed enemy, as there might be even more enemies in another area.

Once you get that sorted, you can try to throw another toxic babe further into the room, so you can maybe get a kill, JUST MAYBE. Probably don't do this if your enemies are in a large room. Do this if the enemies don't have much space to move around in.

With the toxic babes, you can also kill shields extremely easily. 'Oh look, a big mont. I wonder what I should do'. You should throw the toxic babe near him, but do not throw it directly at him, as he will stay in the cloud for a shorter period of time. 

Working with other operators 

There are certain operators that Smoke works well with, I'll go through some of them.

How this works is just waiting for someone to step on a lesion needle, and then start gassing them. Because lesion needles remove their ability to sprint, this combination is extremely lethal. Best used with barbed wire.

Oh boy, do you see how your screen gets absolutely destroyed when you trigger an ela mine? Do that with gas grenades and your enemy will die for sure. This combination works similar as lesion.

This one isn't as good, but it isn't too bad. Just wait for someone to trigger an EDD, and that will result to their health decreasing, then you can gas them. You might or might not down them, but you will still tag them heavy.

Now, for this combination to work, the conditions are very precise and very hard to achieve:
  • Have your enemy in a room barricaded with castle barricades
  • Have your enemy in a very small enclosed room
Oh look, its only 2, but those 2 steps are hard to achieve. But, if you somehow get this to work, it is a guaranteed kill, as your enemy cannot, and I repeat, CANNOT, move anywhere.

Guide Author: DingoTberaid


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