Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Best Mira locations in Fortress (Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege)

Welcome to my Mira placements guide for Rainbow Six Siege's new map: Fortress. Available as part of Operation Wind Bastion which launched 04/12/18.

These are some great simple Mira windows that any player can begin to use immediately in ranked and casual. I should tell you though...this is a poor map for Mira. And if you wanted my opinion I would bring another operator, but there are some good windows you can use nontheless.

2F Bedroom/2F Commander's Office

Commander's Office, watches over B mira location fortress

Located in Commander's Office, watches over B site and it's entrances. I used this one quite a bit on the test server and casual matches once Wind Bastion launched...and it's quite hard to push me out. If you get a jager to give you some ADS support it will tricky to push you out. But a good ash/sledge/finka/buck/zofia/nomad can easily bring this mira down.

bathroom watches over B site mira location in fortress
Located in the bathroom watches over B site and it's entrances from a different angle.

You are however vunerable to this doorway behind you, would be great if you can get a castle to barricade this for you
You are however vunerable to this doorway behind you, would be great if you can get a castle to barricade this for you.

bathroom watches over horse and hallways into the Commanders Office mira location fortress
bathroom watches over horse and hallways into the Commanders Office mira location fortress
Located in bathroom watches over horse and hallways into the Commanders Office. You are somewhat protected from the doorway behind as there is a pillar between it.

Commander's Office watches over bathroom Mira location Fortress Top Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
Located in Commander's Office watches over bathroom...however it's quite weak from many angles. And attackers can easily get an acog angle on you from the hallway outside.

Watching over horse area Mira Location in Fortress map for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
Another angle of watching over horse area, but you area again very weak to angles from acogs in the hallway.

An e.g I'm talking about.

2F Dormitory/2F Briefing Room

Dormitory watches over B site Mira location Fortress - Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
Located in Dormitory watches over B site, you are quite safe using this mira. Make sure to reinforce the briefing room wall otherwise soft breachers can open angles onto you.

Watches over back entrance.....This mira would be AMAZING!!! if those damn boxes weren't in the way :( you can't shoot them or blow them up. Even if attackers hide behind them as they push in though...they will eventually have to move past them which will put them in your crosshairs.

C4 over it
You are somewhat safe here from the hallway behind you, quite strong to watch over A site as lots of people like to rush in and plant behind the beds. Plus you can C4 over it.

Another way to watch over the box area that let's you play more aggressive than a reinforced wall.

1F Kitchen/1F Cafeteria

Kitchen watches over hallways mira location in fortress, Rainbow Six Siege
Located in Kitchen watches over hallways surrounding the bomb site, you are very safe here from behind as the massive fireplace/oven is 100% bullet/explosion proof. You could open the soft walls for even more angles.

Kitchen watches over back side of the bomb sites fortress mira location
Kitchen watches over back side of the bomb sites location mira in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Fortress
Located in Kitchen watches over back side of the bomb sites and it's hallways, again you can open up the soft walls with shotguns to give you more line of sights.

1F Hammam/1F Sitting Room

Hammam room watches over B site Mira Location in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Fortress map

Located in the Hammam room watches over B site, this double Mira is quite good as you can move between the 2..if you lose 1 you still have the other. Make sure you have some rotation holes, Yes you can get shot from behind here but you really should have someone or something watching the back/shower area to this site.

Hammam room watches over the shower area mira location fortress
Located in the Hammam room watches over the shower area which is a common place attackers will push from. I strongly recommend you have a deployable shield in this place to block the window behind you.

Mira location in sitting room watches over the hallways and it's surrounding areas
Located in sitting room watches over the hallways and it's surrounding areas, open up the soft walls for lots of line of sights. However it is quite weak and vunerable to soft breachers.

Closing remarks

This will be a weak map for Mira, bring someone else ;) but for those who love to play mira and new players learning her I'm sure you will find these useful.

Guide by Ocelot

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