Sunday, August 25, 2019

Automatically Back Up Your Saved Data in Remnant: From the Ashes

Are you tired of losing hours of progress and being forced to rethink your poor life choices?
I may be able to help you with one of those problems....
With a simple .bat file to automatically back up your Remnant: From the Ashes save files!

Easily configurable to save to any folder, and to repeat on regular intervals while the batch file is running.

The Solution

In light of the numerous cases of players losing all of their progress, I wanted to make it a little easier on myself to make backups of my progress and thought I'd share my solution with you. This involves creating a batch file which is a quick and easy process.

It would appear as though Steam Cloud saves are causing issues with restoring saved data, so first you'll want to disable that.

Disable Steam Cloud Saves for Remnant

Go to your Steam library
Remnant: From the Ashes > Properties > Updates > uncheck Enable Steam Cloud Synchronization

Note: Disabling Steam Cloud Sync will stop Steam from automatically uploading a copy of your save to the internet. This will stop you from being able to share your saves across multiple computers without transferring the saves yourself. With automatic backups, Steam Cloud Sync is redundant unless you switch computers very often, or experience whole drive failure.

Creating the Batch file

Open a text editor, paste this code, and save it as a batch file. ( File > Save as... "example.bat" )

@echo off

 SET remnantsave="c:\users\%username%\AppData\Local\Remnant\Saved\SaveGames"
 SET backupsave="c:\users\%username%\Documents\RemnantSaves"


  SET _time=%time:~0,-5%
  SET _date=%date:~4,10%
  SET __time=%_time: =%
  SET file=%_date:/=%@%__time::=%

 MKDIR %backupsave%\%file%

 ROBOCOPY %remnantsave% %backupsave%\%file% /e


GOTO start

  • Replace "c" with whichever drive your AppData folder is on, which will be the drive you have windows installed on.
  • Modify TIMEOUT to be how long you want the interval between saves to be in seconds.
  • Modify SET backupsave="_" to be the location you wish to store the backups.
Running this file in the background will automatically create a new copy of your save folder every 10 minutes.

At the end of a play session, press Enter before closing to make one last backup.

Alternatively, if you run the file and close it immediately, one backup will be made.

Restoring Your Saved Data

1. Find your most recent backup. They are named by the time they are saved. ( ex. 08232019@2222 )
By default, they will be stored in this folder.


2. Navigate to your save folder. You can copy/paste this into Explorer or type %APPDATA% and find it manually.


3. Copy all the files from your latest backup over the files in the save folder.

And that's it.

You may have to clear (or fail) the tutorial before you actually see your progress returned.

Note that each backup is about ~4.5MB, so you'll want to clear out old saves every so often.

If you are worried about whole drive failure, Buy a new HDD! /s upload your last save of each play session to a file hosting service such as Google Drive or Dropbox.
Guide by sad boi


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