Saturday, August 24, 2019

How to Improve Trust Factor in CS:GO

Here are some of the things I've found useful for increasing your trust factor after testing on multiple accounts over a year or so.

There are 5 tiers of trust factor, here are some tips to climb the tiers of trust on steam
  1. Be friendly in game (no grieving or being toxic in voice/chat)
  2. Don't leave your competitive matches
  3. Rate/comment on guides/artwork/workshop/other steam profiles and be a positive member of the steam community (like this one :D)
  4. Play other steam games (the more hours you have on different games on steam the better)
  5. The age of your account will affect your trust factor
  6. GET PRIME (this will instantly get you to tier 3 trust factor
  7. Previous vac bans will also affect your trust factor
  8. Add friends on steam :)
  9. Commend others/get commendations from other players in CS:GO, this will affect your trust factor in a positive way.
  10. Make your friends/other steam users to comment +rep on your profile
  11. Good stonks
Remember that the trust factor is always changing, and the factors/things you have to do to get a better trust factor is also changing with most updates, the goal of trust factor is ofc to get rid of trolls and toxic players.
Guide by Kip


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