Sunday, August 25, 2019

Remnant: From the Ashes Starting Classes Info

A quick guide regarding Classes in Remnant: From the Ashes, their default starting weapons, armor bonus, starting mods, traits and vitals.


  • Sstarts with a hunting rifle and scrap sword
  • Armor bonus: weakspot damage bonus
  • Starting mod: Hunter's mark - Mark enemies, see them through walls and increases crits chance
  • Starting trait: Shadow Walker - Reduces enemy aggro range
  • Starting Vital/Stamina trait: 3/3

Ex Cultist

  • Starts with a coachgun and a scrap hatchet
  • Armor bonus: mod power regenerate faster on crits
  • Starting mod: Menders Aura - cast an area effect heal, that restore health
  • Starting trait: Spirit - Increases Mod Power Generation.
  • Starting Vital/Stamina trait: 1/6


  • Starts with a shotgun and a scrap hammer
  • Armor bonus: damage boost at short distance
  • Starting mod: Hot Shot - imbues your ammunition in fire giving a chance to set enemies on fire
  • Starting trait: Warrior - Increases Melee Damage.
  • Starting Vital/Stamina trait: 6/1


  • Keep in mind this is just starting gear 
  • Rigs is selling the other armor sets + guns
  • And the grumpy girl next to him sells mods
  • Ttraits can be unlocked later in the game
  • Each classes starts with the same repeater pistol
Guide by PeepoHappy


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