How to play SAS
Special Air Service
SMOKESmoke is a very common picked operator due to his gadget, that takes a lot of time away from the attackers. His "beauties" can deny access to rooms and can also be used to gain room in general. Usually Smoke is played with a shotgun his SMG-11 and barbed wire. His job is to create rotations and lower/upper line of sights. Depending on the spots and strategy, he opens holes to get a top-down view or a bottom-up view to the objective. In mid rounds, his job is to hold short angles or anchor on the objective. Roaming with Smoke is very uncommon and very risky. Losing his gadget gives the attackers 30+ seconds to work with, which Smoke could have denied (playing Bomb of course). Another thing Smoke has to do, is to get rid of shield operators, that might push into the objective/teammates.
Mute is a less picked operator due to the more powerfull bandit - who covers the same skillgroup. He denies the attackers to easily breach reinforced and not reinforced walls with his mute jammers. He can also mute castle walls. All gadgets used on surfaces that are muted will not work. Therefor making him a good combination with Castle. Every breachable (not reinforced/castle walls) can still be destroyed with Sledge's Hammer. Mute's routine usually requires him to first deny drones to get easy access to the sites, so droning out people is more difficult. BUT that requires him to reposition his jammers - which is kind of pointless at a certain time. Usually it is a good idea to use one jammer to deny access for drones and the other three for walls. Playing him with his SMG or shotgun is fine either way - depending on your strategy. For starters use his MP5.
Sledge is a common picked operator yet usually less picked than Buck. Attacking with Sledge usually requires him to take his Assault Rifle and his SMG with him as well as his grenades. His job is to take out barbed wire or operators with his grenades. He is also often used to create line of sights (top-down; bottom-up view) to take out defenders.
Thatcher is also a common picked operator, he is very usefull to destroy electronic devices without exposing himself to any threat. Most gadgets that the defenders use are electronice devices and he can disable (temporary) or destroy them with his gadget. His EMPs have quite some range for that effect destroying and disabling a lot of gadgets at the same time. A usual setup with Thatcher would require him to disable Bandits "Shock Wire" or Mutes "Jammer". His job is also to take out gadgets to entry points - such as Kapkans "Entry Denial Devices" or Lesions "Gu Mines".
How to play FBI
Federal Bureau of Investigation
CASTLECastle is a pretty distracting operator. His ability is countered by so much, yet he is a pretty solid choice. Not a lot of people use breaching charges, many prefer a Buck over a Sledge. Yet it remains and with the current "Breach and Trap Meta" Castle has a hard time, not only to even get picked, but to even make sense. Ash and Zofia alone, destroy all of his Barricades without exposing themselves to any threat. Further they can open ONE more entry than he can cover. Usually as a Castle you'd have to close up line of sights or entry points. If you play Castle your job is not to deny the access, just make it harder! Do not close off sites completely, or you will find yourself having a hard time getting back on the objective. Do not castle off entries used for rotation (this does not mean you can not close one or two rotations off - just make sure you have at least two rotations opened for your teammates).
Pulse is very hard roamer. Usually his routine requires him to play either below or above an objective. His "Cardiac Sensor" will notify you when an enemy is close by, therefor you can use a Nitro Cell from below or shoot from above through a killhole you made already. He can also give his intel to his teammates, therefor he is collecting a lot of intel usually.
Thermite is a typical breacher - but using his exothermic charges he can breach reinforced walls and hatches as well. Therefor his routine is droning A LOT. He needs to stay alive, so he has to be passive a lot anyways. In a typical scenario he drones and walks up to a wall he has to destroy, after his team got control over the rooms connected to the wall. If a Thermite dies (usually) it is either the fault of a bad Thermite behaviour OR the Team. PASSIVE PASSIVE PASSIVE. That is what you have to do as a Thermite. After you have done your job of opening new entries, you can go aggressive.
Ash is a pretty simple operator to play really, she is fast and has good guns. Her gadget does not require a lot of thought. See a wall you want to go through? Is it reinforced? Choose a different wall. Is it not reinforced? Could you open a different wall that would get your team a better view to the objective? OPEN THAT WALL! It is that simple. You need to open lines of sight for your team, so they can see you while you run arround and shoot people. Jokes aside though, you need to open the lines of sight that are usefull. Opening a wall just because you can walk into the next room --- well --- you know --- breaching charges? ...or doors can also be usefull especially if you are loud, you need to be quick and have your aim compensate for your loud playstyle.
How to play GIGN
Groupe d’intervention de la gendarmerie nationale
ROOKRook is pretty similair to Doc, just a different ability and impact grenades. You basically do the same, but instead of putting wire close to the site, you open up rotations early for roamers or close to the site for all anchors.
Doc is a very stable anchor. With his ability to heal people and "reviving" people in DBNO State he is a good choice to keep on sites. In a normal match Doc could go for a quick spawnpeek with his ACOG and later on hold long angles. Reinforce walls close to the site and wire as well.
Twitch is very essential to counter Mira and to destroy a lot of gadgets. Her downside is obviously that she needs to use her drone for that - which can be easily destroyed by everyone. Thatchers ability is therefor better. But her gun is amazing. In a match she should keep her drone pretty safe and try only to destroy important gadgets. Prioritation depends on what your attack setup is. If you need to get behind a reinforced wall, get Mute Jammers or Bandit Batteries first before anything else. If it is a window or a doorway you need to clear, first get EVERY ADS you can. It gives you more room - throwing stuff always helps. Afterwards go for traps or jammers/batteries (in case you are blocked go for a jammer/batterie first obviously).
Montagne is a good operator to push into rooms. Gu Mines are a huge threat to him, as well as Smokes "beauties". Be careful when approaching a door, but push towards people - never hide in a corner. You are useless to your team that way. You need to put PRESSURE on a guy.
How to play SPETSNAZ
СпН, Спецназ, подразделение специального назначения Российской Федерации
KAPKANKapkan is a very strong operator if your opponents have a tendancy to rush into rooms. Against fast and aggressive players, he is one hell of damage dealer. With his 5 traps he can almost elminate more than half of the enemies HP even if they are all 3-armored operators. Kapkan is usually played with his smg as a roamer. His gun is very precise and allows for easy kills onto uncovered people. LONG RANGE fights are usually not ideal for him, but with decent aim you can manage this as well. If you want to play Kapkan either place your traps to entry points towards the site or an area you want to cover. You can set them up all close to a site or all away from the site. But you need to have a concept. All random might feel as a good idea, yet makes it easy to be a waste of utility if your opponents don't even use the area. For example if you put them close to the site - you will have a potential advantage if time runs out. If you put them towards an area you want to control, you will be able to use them as intel for fast kills. As well as that it will take a lot of time away from attackers.
The Lord. Memes are dreams. BUT you can actually play Tachanka. All you need is a plan. A plan that people will fall for. For example an open door or an easy entrence towards a site. Someone will want to take advantage of that. Covering that entrence with a Tachanka can be viable. BUT good players will drone you out and just take you down. Therefor the tactic I prefer for Tachanka is, that you go to a point of NO INTEREST, something NOBODY needs to control. Be in a spot nobody would be. Be as open as you like, there are no mistakes in this. You might only get one kill with the turret, but he has the same gun as Kapkan. You can use this, but I don't recommend it.
Textmarker. Shoot the things that light up in the flashy yellow. For real though, you can play Glaz very well if you keep your distance and play the longest angle possible. You also need to consider AT WHAT you are shooting. If you always go for the head - good. If not, think about it for a second. The less armor, the faster downed or dead. With Rook armor - ok - it will be a bit different. Therfor keep in mind if you shoot at a 3-armored operator. For 1-armored operator try to hit them in the upper body twice. 2-armored and 3-armored operators can withstand more damage: GO FOR THEIR HEAD. In general you play Glaz with smokes, out of a distance and shoot accurate and slowly. Spamming will maybe secure one kill but that is it. The firepower you posess with Glaz is insane. Use it wisely.
Fuze is a common operator pick for objectives that tend to have outside walls or destuctable floors. Hatches can be fuzed but can be very dangerous. The potential for Fuze is not really to kill actually, but he can destroy a lot of gadgets! Killing people with Fuze is not a real goal if you want to play him competetively. It is more of a distraction. It is annoying to be fuzed. It is dangerous. It makes you move as a defender. THAT is where Fuze shines. Providing support for his teammates by making the defenders leave their "safe positions". Keep this in mind and it will work. Typically Fuze is played with his AK-12, but his LMG can be also a viable tactic as well as his shield togeather with his strong pistol. You have all the choices with Fuze, just think about what you want to do with him. Get close and fuze - Shield+Pistol; Medium Range? LMG and AK will work. Long Distances? AK-12. Heavy Support Fire? LMG!
How to play GSG9
GSG 9 der Bundespolizei
JÄGERJäger is a very nice operator to get all of the projectiles away from your site. Getting Jäger means a fast operator with high damage potential as well as a gadget that prevents attackers from throwing stuff at you. Sounds good right? Yes, it is good. Placing ADS can be a bit overwhelming at first, but it is pretty easy. If you have anchors, on an important position, place an ADS in a way that keeps him safe from stuff thrown at him. Same goes for entrences to Bombsites, that can be planted at. Smokes give attackers a great way to cover up their planting tries.
Bandit is a great Operator to deal with Thermite and Hibana. Using his batteries to destroy charges and pellets is key to keep your site safe for the most part. Usually you play him as a partial roamer. Partial because, you can either stay on site after you are "done" with bandit tricking (even if you fail) or go roam - HOW FAR - is the question here. And I'd say close to the site, not too far. People will be in the building already probably.
IQ has utility and a unique gadget. She can throw grenades and see electronic gadgets from Defenders. This includes all traps except Frosts Welcome Mats. She is a 3-speed operator and therfor really good to entry frag as well. Alone she could take out a lot of enemy gadgets or enemies. With IQ you usually use your equipment to see the enemies preparation with traps and so on, then decide your best use of utility - meaning not only grenades but also smokes and flashes. ADS? No Problem, IQ knows where they are. Kapkans, Lesions and Elas traps as well... If you found a way full of traps it usually is smart to clear them out as far as you can without wasting utility OR to throw a grenade there and push after it to get a fast push in. You can also try to use your grenades to get a entry kill OR if an enemy is scouted out to blast him from above/below. IN ALL CASES, let your teammates know where stuff is.
Blitz is pretty simple to use. Get close and personal. Blitz is pretty fast, even if you beg to differ. There is no chance you can win a 1v1 against a well played Blitz. Mistakes I often see with Blitz is, that people try to blind their opponents from distances beyond his flashs reach. You need to be closer than you think. The estimated distance for a consistant blinding is about 3m. You can try to do it at four, but that is a risk. Afterwards you need to STAY BACK. Flash and move. You could die if you get meele'd twice - or shot in the hand/face whatever. Try to flash and move arround your target. Hipfire/Knife is a safe method! Aiming, might kill you too. Stay on your guard even with that fast shield boy. Typically you play Blitz as someone going for roamers with a backup. If the guy does not shoot you, you kill him. If he shoots you, your teammate will kill him. That is how shields in general work, but Blitz is special, since he is a greater threat to anyone on defense.
How to play JTF2
Joint Task Force 2
FROSTWhen Frost got introduced to the game, nobody really knew the game yet. Therfor Traps were a common death. Welcome Mats are huge and easy to spot usually. But if you play it smart you can hide them very effectively. Most of the time Welcome Mats will not grant you an easy kill, therefor it is down to the enemies "dumb easy approach" usually. For example if you use barbed wire to cover an area everyone uses to walk through, but give them the option to use a different route which is equally long/short - THAT spot, is the exact spot you want to place a trap. With Frost it is a lot like Tower Defense. You use utility to guide them into your Welcome Mat. Other than that use Frosts Welcome Mats below windows and positions, where enemies might back up to. If you know for sure, there is an angle an enemy is holding, try to place a welcome mat behind the angle, so if the enemy falls back a bit or re-positions himself, he steps into the mat. Another thing that you'd have to look for are positions that are vaultable. Vaulting offers Welcome Mats a great benefical effectiveness. Usually its common sense now to look down and shoot a Welcome Mat, BUT it is sometimes very hard to shoot a Welcome Mat while being shot at. Usually you should run Frost with her SMG but her Shotgun can also work in close quarter combat. Further to encourage you to play Frost, there are not a lot of people who play Frost, and a lot of people do not really think about her anymore - If you do not get spotted, its even easier to use her gadget effective.
Buck is very very usefull operator. He basicly does Sledges job, but better. His Skeleton Key gives you a huge advantage in close quarter combat as well as allows you to creat lines of sight vertical and horizontal. Usually you try to get into a position with Buck to deny "active Bandit" plays, as well as getting rid of utility or enemies who are just holding an angle very passive. An example for this is "Trophy on Chalet". There is only so much you can do to get rid of someone playing there, but Buck is the easiest. There are a lot of opportunities to do this. All you need is a site, where someone is playing and has a destrucable floor underneath him. If you find yourself in a map where there is a site like this (or multiple) Buck is always a great choice.
How to play NAVY SEALS
United States Navy SEALs
VALKYRIEVakyrie is a very suitable operator if you need information. Information in Rainbow is key to win rounds. Of course with the addition of Dokkaebi there is the risk of the cameras to work against you. But even IF the enemies have Dokkaebi, there is no guarantee for them to even hack cameras or destroying your cameras. If you set them up in a way to only be usefull to you, there is no problem really. If they manage to get them hacked - still nothing to worry about since, you can simply destroy them. Further Valkyrie is usually played as an anchor so she can get information or a roamer to use her cams actively to peek outside of the building. Remember though, if you play Valk aggressive, you might lose your head. Getting droned, running out, die - that is not very effective. Playing Valk more passive or defensive is usually a greater option. Placing cameras in areas of interest, but not easily see-able or overly obvious, makes her a great information gatherer.
Blackbeard is basicly an anchor on attack. He is not meant to be inside a building typically. You can of course be aggressive with him, since usually nobody wants to peek a Blackbeard, but you need to know what you want to do with him. If you decide to use him aggressively you need to have a plan for the play. If he is inside, remember that he is slow, and can be backstabbed very easily. If you decide to play him hanging outside at a window, remember that weapons with high RPMs will melt his shield, as well as his head in close range fights, and people can also run out next to him - which make him an easy target. Just remember to protect your Blackbeard and you should be good. Most effective is Blackbeard in holding off rotations or points of interest.
How to play BOPE
Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais
CAVEIRA...there is actually not a lot you have to understand to Caveira. Play smart and passive, hide and take cover. Do not interrogate when there are other enemies arround. Down someone and use them as bait or kill them instantly and retreat. In higher Elo plays, you will not find Caveira that often - as soon as she is droned, she is dead. And nothing will remain, since she has no utility. She is a strong operator, but she is not very useful after she dies.
Mr.Utility, fire bolts and smoke bolts as well as a claymore. That is a lot of utility, which you should use. He is also a three speed operator and has a neat gun. If you want to overwhelm your enemies with utility and fast paced plays, Capitao is your man. He can also clear off difficult angles with his fire bolts. Typically you'd have capitao smoke off areas that you usually can not smoke off that easily as well as clear out tough angles. If you do that, you can clear a site very well and plant instantly.
How to play GEO
Grupo Especial de Operaciones
MIRAMira is probably the STRONGEST defender currently. Not only does she have an amazing gun, but she also has a Shotgun with her as a sidearm. Further she has a gadget that creates a huge advantage for defenders. Typically you should play Mira in advantagous positions. For example a point of interest which faces a destructable wall. You can play three types of Mira strats. Use both Black Mirrors next to each other with both walls reinforced. In that type you have a huge wall that covers you and you can still shoot out of that window. The second type is to leave one wall soft and only use one Black Mirror. If you do, keep in mind that you can be shot and prefired easier, but can also inflict damage easier. The third option is not use it as a crouched window. You can do that with a reinforced and a not reinforced wall. Depending on your choice keep in mind, that if you do not reinfoce the wall, even an Ash Breaching Round can destroy the Black Mirror.
Jackal is basicly reversed Caveira. Your job is to hunt roamers, and therfor try to catch them of guard. The colours of the footprints tell you how long ago someone was at that position. The colour scheme moves from Red (current position) to blue (long ago). Think about it for some time, if it makes sense to scan an enemy that is away already (blue/green). Or use them for when you actually find yourself in an advantagous position. Having a Jackal tracking you in a 5v3 is more annoying than in a 5v5.
How to play SAT
特殊急襲部隊 Tokushu Kyūshū Butai
ECHOEcho is an operator to deny planting/using gadgets. Typicall you place yourself in cover and try to deny enemies vision and their use of their utility. Always keeping your distance you can also support your roamers with your Yokai drone. In regards to this there are two possible styles to play Echo really... one is a very defensive or passive style and the other is more active and aggressive. Depending on how you play you of course risk your Yokai drone. If you play aggressive, you can easily get some kills on enemies because of the ability to drone them out like you would on attack, but on the other side you could also deny plants. So it is really down to the situation and your personal preference - and maybe experience.
Hibana is the 2nd operator who can destroy reinforced walls, therfor making her an excellent operator to always use. She is also a three speed operator and can destroy three reinforced hatches instead of only one. Keep in mind though, that Thermite is still a better operator to destroy walls, since Hibana needs to either use all of her pellets to open a wall like Thermite or she can only do a hole you can either crouch or prone through. Both are not very good. In an ideal attack you'd want to get Thermite for big entrences and Hibana for Maps/Objectives with a lot of hatches. You can of course pick both, which would give you a lot of utility to open reinforced walls.
How to play SDU
LESIONLesion is great in defending an area or in denying a lot of entrences. His Gu Mines give him a lot of utility and make it hard for enemies to push. He is doing a lot of damage - 80 alone if all of his Gu Mines get activated but also more if the enemies decide to just ignore it. Further it takes a lot of time off the enemies, since you can not really do anything while you stepped in a Gu Mine. Planting with a Gu Mine inside of your foot is not possible! Lesion can deny a lot of areas, but he can also gain a lot of information. If Lesion plays close to his mines, he can get easy kills. If someone steps into a Gu Mine, you know someone is there. It is up to you, push him or leave him be. One or the other, you know where the enemy comes from - and they don't know if you hold up behind the next corner or hold a long angle or play below or whatever... He is really versitile.
Ying... Well... Ying is a bruteforce for a site. She has a lot of utility. Three flashes, that actually flash everything and two smokes. She can plant on her own usually if there is no Smoke on the enemy team. If you can handle her gun, she can also do a lot of easy kills. Because if you use your Candelas effectively you can not be killed. Drone a site, open it up, Candelas - Smokes - Whatever into the site, maybe another Candela, plant and done.
How to play GROM
Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno-Manewrowego
ELAEla is a very good roamer, with her mines she can get a very huge advantage and can easily get kills. Since she has a huge magazine (40+1) she can also take down multiple oponents without the need to reload. Typically you'd place one or two traps at important key points or site entrences and cover them. If you roam very heavily you need the extra 1 or 2 traps to cover your 6. Other than that you are pretty much limited to your own choices.
Zofia has a lot of Utility. Like Capitao her utility is range based and can cause a lot of diversion it is also very good to use for breaching. To explain that quite quickly, if you have a Bandit "tricking" you can disorientate him with the concussion effect from Zofias "2nd" gadget. It makes Bandit take away his batteries. Therfor giving Thermite the chance to place his Exo Charge rather easily. You can evade one or two concussion mines, but not 4x the concussion. If you time it right you usually only need two. Usually you can pick a Zofia instead of a Thatcher sometimes, if there is a drone hole next to the wall you want to breach. She is a huge aggressive option for those who play rather passive. She is a good entry fragger with her gun as well as she can provide a lot of aggressive support. Scouting out enemies with her concussion mines and opening lines of sight.
How to play SMB
제707특수임무대대 or 第707特殊任務大隊
VIGILMr. Invisible is your ideal roamer. If he'd anchor there is but one problem. If you know he is on site, well... he can't flank you. His ability allows you to create a lot of distraction. You never know if he is on the floor you are currently droning or below... or above. Since you can not be sure where exactly he is, he creates a huge need for roam hunting operators such as Dokkaebi, Jackal or IQ. Benefit of IQ is if you try to drone Vigil, you can instantly see him with the drone or see and shoot him with IQs gadget. Typically you'd want Vigil to stay hidden as long as possible making the attackers worry about him all the time.
Dokkaebi is a huge game changer due to her having a "global effect gadget". It causes all of the operators to take a second and make a decision. Do I answer the call or not. Whatever you do there are two options. If you do or don't - either you get charged by an Ash or IQ or you are lucky and noone follows up on that call. Whatever you do, you are pretty much open. Dokkaebi is a very easy too use aggressive support - if you know how to use her. Typically all you need to do is communicate with your entry fraggers. Are they close to the site? Do they know someones is close? Is there a chance of a flank currently? Those are questions you need answered, and than make a call.
How to play CBRN
Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear
LIONLion is an Attacker, that sets you in "don't move" state. In case you panic you will be revealed. If you play Lion use his Gadget in the moment someone is caught. If you droned them or just happen to know where someone is, that is the point you want to use your "Big Brother". Other than that, you want to survive long enough to use all your charges. So don't go in Solo and try to rush as Lion because you want to use him to his full ability.
Finkas Ability allows you to boost your Allies with 20HP, no Recoil and revive them if they are downed. Try to use her the way you use Lion or on fast executes. If you are about to push an enemy activate it. Otherwise don't use it, because the sound is very obstructing and will eventually kill your own, because they can not hear the sound. ALWAYS warn your teammates when using the ability. The reason behind this is, that if your teammates are in a firefight, they might just compensate too much because of the no recoil and suddenly miss the shot because they are now shooting the kneecap of an enemy.
How to play GIS
Gruppo di Intervento Speciale
MAESTROMaestro is a very strong defender. He has the ability to gain Intel, even through smokes. His Gun is very powerfull and can even have an ACOG, which nowadays is something special. The only real threat for Maestro is explosives. His devices are bulletproof, yet Twitch and Thatcher can open the visor of his Evil Eyes. Twitch can hit it again with her shockdrone to destroy it as well. Pro Tip: Turn your Evil Eyes up if there is a Twitch, so she can not hit the inside. You can also put them in places hard to hit/out of reach. Evil Eyes can be very crucial in the last seconds into a round. They can not stop a "plant" like Echo, but they do Damage, which could in the end lead to kill which could resort in a win as well. Further Maestro can use his Pistol-Shotgun to open up Rotations or Holes in general.
Is a great Operator. She has a great gun, is a 3-Speed and can be used very versitile with her Kit. You can get very creative with her Holograms. She can also use the Pistol-Shotgun. Depending on your Opponents she can trick the enemy more than once, and if you play it smart - you might even trick someone in believing you are a Hologram if you use default Uniforms - but I would not count on that.
How to play GSUTR
Grim Sky: Urban Tactical Response Team
CLASHClash is a weak Operator if played Solo. She can easily be countered by getting close to her or grenades, Capitaos Fire Bolts or Zofias Concussion Mines. Even Flashbangs might give you the Edge over her. But in combination wtih a strong roaming operator she can be hell to deal with. Not only is her SMG amazing, she can also do damage and slow the enemies with her shield. Therfor she is perfect to play with a roamer like Vigil or Caveira.
Maverick is our newest "hard breacher". He can use his blowtorch to open up anything that is reinforced, without having to deal with Mute/Bandit (and now Kaid). If you want to use him to his full potential think about what you want to achieve. Small holes will give a very fast kill hole which is hard to be seen - but if you stick your head in it, you can also get shot very quickly. Opening the wall from below up can give you a crazy advantage, as usually noone pays attention to the floor that much. If you do it in a manner, that you can lay far back from the opening you can get a good angle through that line of sight you just created. Another way is to open it up from the top. Just a straight line, will give you enough to work with if you rapell upside down. Most people will probably notice the new opening but you will be hard to hit and can see almost everything usually. Lastly you can use his torch to create holes big enough to get through or destroy hatches completely. Hatches can also be partially destroyed so you can create unique lines of sight.
How to play GIGR
Groupe d'Intervention de La Gendarmerie Royale (مجموعة التدخل للدرك الملكي)
KAIDKaid is similair to Bandit, but his device works in an area, meaning he can electrify multiple iron parts at ones. Barbed Wire or shields, also reinforced walls you could basically electrify all of them at once. Hatches also work that way. He is great in the regard that he is very versitile in use, he only has two charges so you need to be smart about where you place them. You do not need to place his gadget ON the things you want to electrify, all you need is to place them in the range of the things.
Nomad is a very powerfull flank watcher. With her mines, she can knock every operator off their feet, even herself. If it activates, everyone will land on their butt. It only activates when a foe is in the area of effect, but it will affect everyone in that area. Her guns are both great, the AK has way more ammunition though. Typically you would want to place her mines in a manner that saves your behind from trouble early OR to push out defenders from their angles.
How to play SASR
Special Air Service Regiment
MOZZIEMozzie is a great roamer and supporter. He can gain intel through the drones of attackers. You can choose to actively play the drone (like Echo) or set them up in a location that benefits your team. If you decide to play the drone actively you should be in a safe location, just like you would when attacking. If you play as a roamer make sure you set the drones up so they make roaming for you easier, meaning flanks are covered. He also has a Shotgun as a sidearm.
This woman is a beast. She has so much power to push with it is insane. Her gadget spawns so many "traps" it fills up rooms. You can lay down a carpet full of traps that each do damage. If you want to push a site, she can throw in all of her "trap grenades" and lock the defenders out of their objective for a little bit of time. If you than cover those traps with smokes - which she also has, you can that easily deny vision for the defenders as well. On TOP of that she has the Shotgun as well as a sidearm. Meaning she can open up lines of sight or just holes to throw her gadgets into rooms above or below.
Guide by WRX
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