Thursday, September 5, 2019

Remnant: From the Ashes - Facts you might not know


  1. Last level of weapon/armour requires 1 simulacrum
  2. Weight affects stamina usage, the heavier you are the more stamina you use 
  3. Traits caps at 20
  4. You could extinguish yourself by rolling. (Remember? Stop, Drop, Roll yes!)
  5. If you are in a safe spot, spamming the space bar button is faster as it reduces roll animation.
  6. Liquid Escape can be used more than once (Credit to /u/VisageTDI)
  7. Starting class doesn't matter, as the equipment and traits can be obtained later on in the game. But it is said that ex-cultist's beginning trait is the hardest to obtain out of the three.

Status effects


  1. Picking up the same weapon/fighting bosses that drop items might upgrade weapon (There is a cap limit) 
  2. Regular Weapons and Armour can be leveled to + 20
  3. Boss weapons caps at + 10 
  4. Pressing the middle mouse button zooms on weapons with scope
  5. Crouching behind low cover lets you pop out when you aim
  6. If you are having a hard time against bosses, try using rattle weed mod to draw aggro.


It is possible to steal the riccochet rifle before the blink thief steals it, effectively making you the blink thief. This can be done by equipping the blink mod to blink asap to the rifle to steal it!
steal the riccochet rifle before the blink thief steals it
For the chicago typewriter, it is possible to still obtain the item without both liz alive. It can be done by just simply crouching , putting your back against the door and mashing the interact button. This way you would teleport inside!

If you are starting a new character/want to skip tutorial, just simply get yourself killed at the sight of the first root you see.


You can get exactly 5 simulacrum per roll, one in each world.


  • If you decide to not give the undying king the heart/kill the king before he opens up the portal to corsus, you could still access corsus through the labyrinth. In the labybrinth heading straight leads to rhom, left leads to corsus while right is yaesha.
  • If you re-roll your world, you will keep all traits, consumables and equipment in your inventory, including upgrades. Key items and map progression will be erased only.


  • Dungeon Icons on mini map changes to solid from flashing after you enter them not completing them (Credit to /u/welshdragon888)

Guide by Mr. New


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