Friday, May 11, 2018

[TF2] How to deal with Lagbots

Remember Cat-Bots? Well, after their death, a new bot has arrived. This one is quite unique, but like Cat-Bots, they are fairly easy to beat. In this guide, it will talk about everything you need to know about Lagbots.

What is a Lagbot?

I'm glad you ask, reader.
Lagbots are Bots that spectate the game and lag the server down. They have just recently popped up. Although you may have not heard of them, they have been talked about for weeks. Youtube, steam community, etc.

Where do Lagbots appear?

Lagbots seem to be able to appear anywhere from it's concept. But, the main places these bots are on are:
  1. Dustbowl
  2. 2fort
  3. Harvest
Casual is riddled with these bots, so beware of that. There hasn't been any lagbots seen in community servers as I know of but they'll show up there eventually.

How to Counter Lagbots?

Lagbots have a way of being countered.

The disconnect method.

This one is the one of talk. I'm gonna list it:
  1. Type disconnect into the console.
  2. Rejoin the game through a prompt.
  3. Don't pick a team, instead. Press the console button again.
  4. Type "Callvote" followed by the lagbot's name and then select any reason.
  5. Repeat step 4 untill it gets kicked.
The best method though is just to disconnect. These bots are unlikely to be in the next server you go in.


The creator of Lag-Bots seems to be a person who hates the fact he isn't good at TF2, so has given the "If i can't have fun, nobody can." approach.

The Lag-bots are smart, but we're smarter. Take this knowledge and fight them, today.

Guide by Quackers Encheese and Billy999Mays



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