Friday, May 11, 2018

[Dead by Daylight] Type of players you can encounter

I am going to talk with you today about the types of players you see in DBD. But let me mention couple things here before i start.
I have over 800 hours in DBD so far, and always in Rank 1. so i played it enough to be able to see all kinds of people characters in the game and play styles. Also i want to mention that the Rank in this game is something important. Just like how you were a baby in real life (which is rank 20 in the game). and you are growing up everyday. The more you grow up, the more your personality grows up too and get more shaped to who you really are. Rank in this game is the same exactly. When you get to rank 1 (and the more you play as well). You will get to who you really are in this game, and your actual play style will be more shaped and obvious. So the characters and personalities ill be talking about today are from high ranks.
Last thing to mention is that English is not my native language. So i'm sorry if its a little weak. But i am pretty sure you will be able to understand everything in here.

Lets get started!

1. The Turtle

Once the round is started, first thing these guys will do is hold the crouch button (which will be held 95% of the match), then look for the closest and the safest tree or rock, urban their way to it and hide behind it. They will be taking their sweet time to see whats going on or wait for the killer to go by the gen they are planning to work on and they will start when the killer is gone far away, or when they see that someone got injured. but again, they still need to take their time and make sure that the guy who’s being chased is not being chased around them or close by. even if there is no heartbeat. If the chase is where they are at, then they are going to stick to that tree until the killer and who’s being chased are gone. even if the chase in their area takes two hours. No problem, keep hiding. Safety first. These guys never run, even if the killer dies. cuz their sprint burst is precious. If you spawn with these guys. They will go away from you. Cuz they don’t trust anybody, not even themselves.
Its mostly a Nea, Feng or a Claudette. The good thing about these guys that are not going to farm you, they only save you off the hook when its extremely safe (while you are suffering and screaming in silence GET ME OFFFFFF!!!). even if you go second phase, no problem. because again, safety first. Also these guys work on gens which is good. You will usually see a toolbox or a medkit with them. They don’t know what flashlight is. Also one more thing that these guys hurt the team with is that they waste pallets, because they usually don’t know how to loop or control the chase, which’s why they hide and urban all the time. Without them even looking behind, or try to see if the killer is close or not while being chased, they will just slam that precious pallet that you can loop the killer on for 2 gens.
  1. Strength: they don’t die easily and usually make it out. Because its hard to find them. In general they are good in the team, because they get involved in the game. They save and do gens.
  2. Weakness: they go down quick, they are too slow doing things and waste too much time in the round hiding and urbaning.
  3. Common Perks: Urban Evasion + Sprint Burst (these two perks come together by default for these guys) Iron Will, Lightweight, Spine Chill, Premonition.

2. The Gener

These guys are addicted to repairing things, these guys are awesome. Once the round is started, they will hit the sprint button and fly to the nearest gen, sit on it and repair. nothing can take them off their gen until its done. They won’t even care if they are injured or if the killer is around. You just cant take them off their toy. Or take their toy from them. These guys will mostly have Leader perk on. Stick your ??? to them wherever you see them.
  1. Strenght: without these guys the gens will never pop, the round will never end. And no one will make it out.
  2. Weakness: these guys don’t have feelings. They are like robots or machines. as i said, nothing will take them off what they are doing until work is done. So you might actually be melting on the hook and the entity is slowly swallowing you. They will be aware and watching, but you are not more important than their gen. So just hope that the gen is done before you go second phase, or before you actually die on the hook.
  3. Common Perks: Leader, Bond, Prove Thyself.

3. The Badboy

These guys can be also called Toxic or Pewpew, cuz you will only see them running around with a flashlight. If they don’t have a flashlight in their inventory, they wont even play the game. But if it happens and they do play, then once the round is started, they will be running around either looking for the killer or a chest, hoping to find a flashlight. and when they find that yellow one is like they found a million dollars. It will usually be a thick Meg, Nea or a bold Dwight. Claudettes are toxic sometimes too. Anyway, these guys will carry the team and take the hit. After they find the flashlight and pewpew to the killer, they will be chased for like 3 or 4 gens and end up getting camped, while the rest of the team finish the last gen, open the exits and get out. These guys have skills in T-baging. And they can’t leave the match (thats if they are still alive, which I doubt) before they T-bag the killer. If the killer is not at their exit, then they go look for him first, find him, T-bag then leave. Its just their way of saying goodbye.
  1. Strength: beside buying the time for the team to get the gens done, these guys are saviors, just like Jesus, they will go down just to save you, but not because you are that important, its just because they always run Dstike and they can get out of it, also they will mostly have borrowed time, but again not for you, its just to ???? the killer off. Also these guys usually know how to flashlight save you. So be grateful if you have one of them in your team.
  2. Weakness: they don’t do gens, and they can’t hit skill checks, specially if there is a ruin.
  3. Common Perks: Decisive strike (they would pick Dstrike for their 4 perks slots if the game lets them), Self care, Sprint burst, Adrenaline, Unbreakable, borrowed time, Object Of Obsession.

4. The Spectator

TBH, i never understand these guys. Once the round is started, they start walking slowly, looking around. They enjoy looking at things, they look at the moon, the trees and the crows flying around. They enjoy watching chases or someone getting mori’ed.. if these guys touch a gen by chance and see that there is a ruin, thats like a Christmas for them. they start running around the map full of joy looking for it. Also these guys will never leave the match if there is a chest still closed or a totem still up. I don’t know what these guys exactly do. They basically just watch the game from inside the game.
  1. Strength: at least without these guys ruin will never be found. Also these guys are very good when you need a save. Because they are there already where you got downed, since they were watching you getting chased. if they are on a gen by chance, which is rare, and you get injured. They will run looking for you to get ready for the save. That's before you even go down.
  2. Weakness: these guys are just filling a slot in the game. When there is someone like them in your team, you will either lose or the round will take forever. Because they do nothing and don’t get involved in the game. Its basically going to be a 3v1 round.
  3. Common Perks: I don’t really know.

5. The Ruin

These guys are the actual ruin in this game, they are the ruin perk for survivors. Just like how killers have a ruin for gens, these guys are the ruin for the hooks. They love to sabotage things, in the game and in real life. They are usually a Jake or a Claudette for some reason. And they would pay real money for the green 180 charges toolbox. These guys are target number one for the killer, killers look for them just like how you run around the whole map looking for the ruin totem. Once the round is started, they will teleport to the first hook they see and start doing their favorite hobby, sabotaging. And when they find that the Trapper is the killer, Dopamine will blow up in their brains. They will sabotage hooks and traps. If they get caught, they will get face camped right away. And they are actually the only excuse for face camping. They deserve it (talking from killer side). You will find these people wherever there is a chase. They are always ready and in stand by. Once you go down and the killer carries you, they will be running with him to that 99% hook and put it down, run to the next one, and put it down as well and goes on until you are free. They will also take a hit for you. They are good people. But usually don’t last long. They will end up dying in the middle of the round. That's if not at the beginning. And again, by a face camp.
  1. Strength: these guys are like a non stop Dstrike for the whole team. No one will die as long as these good guys are still alive.
  2. Weakness: they don’t do gens since they are busy sabotaging the hooks. Which slows the game down alot. Also again, they don’t last long, killers will be determined on finishing them before anyone else.
  3. Common Perks: of course Saboteur, Small game, Empathy, Street Wise, Spine Chill.

6. The Wiseman

These are either the most experienced people in the game, or they are actually a wise people in real life. They are smart, wise and balanced in everything They do and they get involved in everything in the round. They are usually a Bill or Ace. They don’t look for a chase, but if they get put in that situation, they know how to deal with it and get out of it. Most of the time they are on a gen, unless someone needs help, or something is going on around. These wise people will never put you in danger or farm you. They know exactly when and how to save you, they will take good care of you. When you are hurt walking around the walls, injured, bleeding and full of fear. praying for Jesus to come help you. They will come before him by that Empathy, heal you and fill you with mercy. Bless these people. They are awesome.
  1. Strength: these guys always make it out alive. Cuz they know how to wisely survive. And make you survive with them also. They will give a big carry to the team. Also they never miss a great skill check.
  2. Weakness: There is a fair amount of these people (Not all of them) that care about Blood points and pips more than the team. Which will end up a wise but selfish player.
  3. Common Perks: Bond, Empathy, Leader, Borrowed Time, We Will Make It, We’re Gonna Live Together.

7. The Dork

These are the last thing you want in your team. Because they will not just screw themselves, but they will actually put the whole team down with them. These guys are a fake copy of the Badboys. They try to be like them, but they don’t know how. Always running around with a purple fully loaded flashlight. T-bags the killer once they see them, and go down 10 seconds after that T-bag. And the same story ends up every time the same way, trying to Kobe and kill themselves on the hook. That's if they don’t disconnect actually (No idea how these guys get to high ranks). And there you go, the match you just started is 3v1 already. Rounds with dumb people like those in them, will usually end up either a farming match, or the killer will feel bad for the survivors team (specially if they actually do good without a 4th) and will give the hatch to the last survivor.
  1. Strength: None.
  2. Weakness: Everything.
  3. Common Perks: Same as the Badboys, but they don’t know how to use them.

Guide by: JORDAN


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