Thursday, October 4, 2018

[CS:GO] Find out Map Name of Competitive Matchmaking Before Start

Find out Map Name of Competitive Matchmaking Before Start


Today we show you a way to see the map of the MatchMaking, before the game actually starts.
You can´t get banned by doing this. It´s totally legal and no external programs must be used!


Script needed in autoexec for seeing map name in console before start of the match
To see the map in the game-console just put this Code in the "autoexec" of CS:GO.
You can also make a new config and put the code in there. If you make a new config, you have to type in the console "exec [NameOfCfg]".
If you have done this, you can see the map a few moments earlier, before the "Accept" button pops up.
It´s also important to be the lobby leader, because only he can see the map.

developer 1
con_filter_enable 2
con_filter_text_out "game:mapgroupname"
con_filter_text "game:map"

How you make a config.

Just put the code in a new text document. Save this text document. Make sure you activate "all datatypes" and behind the name of the config write a ".cfg".
After you have done this, you can choose your folder for the CS:GO configs and save it there.

Default Folder is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg


value for current map in console is: LobbySetData: 'game:map' = 'de_mirage'
As you can see in the screenshot above, the map name will be displayed in the top left corner.

Guide by Moldii


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