Friday, August 2, 2019

RUST Single Button Items Craft Guide

RUST Single Button Items Craft Guide
Have you ever thought how comfortable it would be to craft items by pressing a single button?
I did not notice this before, but I think this function is useful in different situations

Craft binds

Everything is very simple. We need a template: bind "KEY" craft.add "Item id"

Some examples:

bind i craft.add -2072273936 - Craft 1 bandage. Comfortable if you run away from anyone
bind u craft.add 1540934679 - Craft 1 wooden spear
bind o craft.add 1443579727 - Craft Hunting Bow
bind l craft.add -1234735557 - Craft wooden arrow
bind y craft.add -369760990 - Craft small stash. If you need to hide the loot
bind p craft.add -9795638 - Craft tool cupboard. If you need to urgently accommodate a lot of wood (like classics)
bind k craft.add 15388698 - Craft stone barricade. If you need to accommodate a lot of stone (like classics)

These are just a couple of useful examples. Then only your imagination
All Item ids you can find here.

Guide by freezzz


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