Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The Fan All Endings Guide

The Fan is short so be sure to play it at least once before reading this guide.
I made this only as a quick reference to quickly advance in the game and get to the end as fast as possible after my first playthrough.


If it's your first time playing only read the gameplay section and come back here after you've completed the game at least once.


With Left click you inspect/interact with and object and change location, with the Left click you go back after the selection. 
The backpack in the upper left is used to remember you about the objects you must collect to complete the chapters.
The menu in the upper left is used to oh you can guess it.
The game has autosave so you can close it and continue it from the last position you visited.
If you want to make the game harder, go to options and uncheck the two boxes, so you don't have the icons always on screen.


Your actions will determine the newspapers' articles you will read between the chapters and in the end.

Good ending

DON'T kill her boyfriend in the bedroom (he took some pills so he won't wake up to attack you) 
Choose to restrain her with ropes NOT with chains
Set her free in the end

Surprise ending

Choose to restrain her with ropes NOT with chains

Bad ending

Kill her boyfriend in the bedroom
Choose to restrain her with chains NOT ropes
Kill her in the end
Guide by Dark_Wolf901

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