Sunday, September 8, 2019

Team Fortress 2 - Medic's Upgrades

The only thing worse than a bad medic, is a DEAD medic!! And halfway in-between, there is also a slow medic. It is your job to make your medic be tankier than a heavy, so you don't die while reviving the spy for the 7th time.

This is where the wave preview comes in hand: analyze the incoming robots, equip damage resistances befitting them, and if you know that the giant soldiers come at the end of the wave, prioritize other resistances and buy blast resistance later on.
Medic's upgrades team fortress 2
This is a common build for wave 4 and later. (Of course this depends on the money and robots coming, but it's very often that the mid-way waves combine blast and bullet damage with 1 giant crit robot).

Let's analyze the why's of each upgrade!!

Bullet Resistance 50%

This will half sniper damage, scouts, and heavies. Let's saw you have no uber and no shield. It is just you and heavy on an open area vs 10 heavies. This is what will make you survive while healing your best boi.
It will also save you when your shield goes down and a giant heavy is on your FACE!!

Blast resistance 25%

To negate giant soldier's random rockets hitting you. Alternatively, if the wave involves 50 common soldiers or infinite support soldiers (see Rottenburg advanced missions), you should probably pump it up to 50%, 75% if possible.
But you actually don't need to max it out, because you're the best medic in the server and you bought...

Movement speed 3

"It's fun to go zoom!" A medic on the move heals more, dodges more, escapes more, and gets to the frontline faster because the god damn engineer forgot to make a teleporter.
With scout's base speed you will be able to dodge rockets like a god. That's why you don't need to max out blast resistance, unless the wave requires it. (advanced missions final waves)

Crit resistance 90%

You're basically saying "NO! I don't want that!" to crits with this. You're good at dodging, but if you don't dodge That One Crit, you're gonna die. That's why you buy some or all crit resistance.

Jump Heigth

You spare 100$ but you don't like buying canteens? Buy some jumping. This will help you dodge better and move better on maps with high grounds, such as Rottenburg's wood barrier.


Your last wave required Blast 3 and Fire 3. The new wave is all Heavy robots. If you don't refund, you're basically wasting 1350$. Which could be going to your main weapon or meme upgrades even.

Just. Refund. OK?

Guide by Trusty Frosty


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