Sunday, September 8, 2019

Team Fortress 2 - Shield & Revive Medic Abilities

This bad boy is regarded as the number 1 upgrade you must buy as medic. And its true. There's no way around it. Several games start with 400$ only, so you basically only get 1 upgrade choice.
Mad milk srynges is a solid choice, but the shield will always be your best upgrade, since its basically a free wall for your face.
A cover, a weapon to use while healing, and a way to keep sentries alive. C'mon!

LVL 2 size

Ok so, youre new n' stuff. What does the shield do and what doesn't?
  • It charges with healing done (overheal too)
  • Deploys with Mouse 3 (press down the mouse wheel)
  • Protects you from bullets and explossions
  • Does not protect from fire
  • Explosions can hurt you from the sides or below if standing on a ramp/stairs
  • Deals damage
  • Charges with 600 healing points (includes reviving healing)
  • Recharges from receiving damage while ubered with the Stock Medigun
How much damage? Level 1 does next to nothing. About 50 damage x second. So don't get the lvl 1 shield intending to deal damage with it.
Level 2 though, deals a wooping 1225 total damage if it hits an enemy during all it's duration. Like, for example, a tank.

That's right, baby, the lvl 2 shield is medic's tank busting tool. With a duration around 8 seconds you can deal a big deal of damage to it while also giving the team cover.
Seeing that the shield charges with healing done, it's a good move to not overheal your team until the shield is down, if the wave starts with a tank.
Otherwise overheal them because enemies will still shoot them, duh.

Knowing this, the best way to spam shields like pocket ubercharges would be a medigun that heals a ton of damage real quick! (Foreshadowing! This guide writes itself!)

Shields are a very strong tool and easy to recharge real quick. Dont be afraid to spam them! But be on the lookout for strong dangers approaching, in which case, save the shield for 'em.

And remember the lvl 2 shield deals a ton of damage. Nothing feels as good as destroying 12 robot scouts with it. (I call this move the Road Roller)

REVIVE [Medichromancy]
Dead players drop these holograms in MVM. They are signaled with an arrow on screen and a loud sound on death. These holograms have half the health of the player, but take quite long to heal.
Invest in Healing Mastery to make the most out of this function!

Reviving an ally will spawn them on spot at full health and full ammo. (You can let a heavy with no ammo die to revive him and get it all back.) But continuous resurrections make that player take way longer to revive, signaled by how dark the revive icon is.
Eventually reaching a flat line and taking forever to revive. This is reset after every wave.

All ubercharges revive instantly, with 2 notorious ubers excelling at it: quick-fix and vaccinator ubercharges.
More info about this on their respective weapon breakdowns, down below!

If you see an hologram on the field, do all that's possible to revive 'em unless the player states otherwise.
Top priority rez classes are Scout for that money, and Engineer, who may have his stuff under fire or a sentry buster on the way!

And remember: if you have some overheal upgrades, reviving a class with +175 total hp and overhealing it will give you full shields! Dayum!

Guide by Trusty Frosty


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