Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Dead by Daylight: How to become a killer main

The Killers of DbD are an unstoppable power role who can only be evaded by using stealth, or by dropping the few pallets on the map to attempt to slow them down. Killer is a lot of fun to play, definitely more so than playing survivor by yourself, but if you want to become your sterotypical killer main, then here's a few tips to get you started.

Get into the killer mindset!

First off, approach the game with a mentality of "I should win every game I play, and if I don't, pressure the developers on the forums to change the game in my favor so I don't have to get better." Killer mains should never have to improve at the game and learn the mechanics a bit. Leave that to survivor mains! Instead, have the entire balance of the game thrown out of whack in your favor instead!

Some Killer builds!

Now that you have the right killer attitude, we should discuss what a typical killer runs in his build.

First off, run Hex: Ruin. Generators are fixed very quickly if left unchecked, and this perk slows the match down in the killer's favor just a little bit.

Next, run an aura-reading perk. BBQ and Chili typically comes to mind, but A Nurse's calling will do just fine as well. Remember, survivors using stealth? Use wallhack perks!
Third, if you want to deny survivors the one and only defense they have, being pallets, your next two perks should be Spirit Fury and Enduring. This makes it quite literally impossible for the survivor to have a chance at keeping you off of them, so it's a win-win!

Now, what happens if these perks somehow don't give you an easy win and the survivors are in the exit gate? Well, forget that you just accused survivors of being toxic for disconnecting and disconnect yourself to prevent them from getting escape points! Remember, as a killer, you can never be a toxic player, only survivors can! The majority of the community agrees with you, and that automatically means that you're right!
Survive with Friends
Now, let's talk about the biggest obstacle you'll face as a killer main. The boogeyman of killers, if you will. 

The Survive With Friends.

Now, ignore the fact that you can leave the lobby and not play with any group of survivors you want. Oh no! Instead, when one of these overpowered, evil groups beats you in a match, make sure to use them as an excuse every time you want a survivor nerf!

How do you counter these groups if you decide to play against them, do you ask? Well, killers have a plethora of very powerful addons to instantly down a survivor, such as the Huntress' instadown hatchets, or the Clown's redhead pinky finger. There's also Spirit's prayer beads, or a Nurse's 5-blink addons. Using these addons will almost ensure a victory for you. If it doesn't, remember to return to the first bit of advice given in this guide. If you lose a match, take to the forums and have the devs change the game in your favor!

Guide by Airpex


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